30 March 2016

The Misconception of Christians

I Am a Christian

When I say "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean living"
I'm whispering "I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven"

When I say "I'm a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong
I'm professing I'm weak
And I need His strength to carry on

Once again it was made known to me that people didn't believe at first that I was a Christian, just because I made a sarcastic comment. This made me think, what is this misconception/stereotype that people have on how a Christian should behave and speak.

Does it mean I must be literally truthful and be serious in everything I say? No joke to be made (not those kind of mean jokes of course), no sacarstic comment/answers to be given? It's strange what non-christians have on me but yet it makes me think so much on my own actions and speech. What am I portraying about Christianity to them? Am I being a bad example to them?

Then again, I can argue that I'm still human and human makes mistakes. 

This never ending conclusion-less debate can never strike a balance. People will always find a loop hole to start a topic with it. Imagine if all Christians were to be unable to joke around, then, won't there be saying that we are so not fun, and soon Christians will be shunned. 

So I personally feel, it all boils down to the intention of making such comment. Is it hurting anyone or is it made during an acceptable situation of fun and laughter. Still, no matter what, there will always be some who may misunderstands and take it differently. This is where I should be aware of and watch out of my own actions and speech.

24 March 2016

Command to Remember

Maundy Thursday
Maundy = command
1. Serve the world
2. Love one another
3. In all, "Do these in remembrance of Me"

Remember what?
Humans like to remember the dead

How to remember?
Mausoleum, museum, movement. We call it, a sacrament. An outward action to show our inward grace (Holy communion)

When God remembers (he knows the power or remembrance), He performs mighty acts when he remembers. Eg The meaning of the rainbow.

Works of salvation, works of deliverance.

What to remember?
1. "My body given for you"
God is a giver, He never stops giving. 全然的付出和給予。
Giving = for others = thinking for others
- works of piety (for self)
- works of mercy (for others)

2. "My blood of the new covenant shed for you"
-for the remission of sins// Matthew 26:28
We experience the forgiveness of sin, His holy blood cleansed us and we have eternal life.
- Forgiven; forever with the blood of Jesus Christ
- Walk in the light; importance of fellowship as we walking in the light to remain cleansed
- Keep short accounts with sin

1. Jesus as the giver. Perfect example of what and how God gave. He gave us the best.
-By the gift, God have also removed the worst of humans.
2. Jesus as the Redeemer. When we remember, God remembers.
-When He remembers, He acts; He remembers the promises He had to us. God in our lives delivers us

20 March 2016

Good Weird or Bad Weird

You see, society likes to recognise that everyone is unique in their own ways. But for me, I like to phrase it a little differently; Everyone is weird in their own ways, it's just more or less acceptable.

Recently had a conversation with a friend about humans' manipulation nature, intentional or unintentional. Then that made me think and did some search, it boils down to a grey zone discussion of the differences between Influence and Manipulation.

Influence is the process of getting someone else to want to do, react, think, or believe the way you want them to.”  Source: Chris Hadnagy, Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking.

Manipulation is defined as “exerting devious influence over a person for your own advantage”.

With the clear definition of the 2 almost similar difference (one is a positive term, another a extreme negative term), now comes another question; don't everyone ask ask for help?

As a Christian, I should be living an example for both Christians and Non-christians likewise. Definitely I would choose to influence people with the positive way and not have people around me to do things for my own advantage. To certain extend everyone would ask for help in our daily life from simple things such as pass me a certain item, to things such as prayer for each other in need.

The discussion between a clear definition of influence and manipulation is never ending. But to be sure and what everyone should be reminded of, every action done is ultimately judge by God of the true intention behind, hidden or not, deep down in each of our hearts where God sees it so crystal clear.

There no where to hide, nothing to hide. In front of our Heavenly Father, we are clear as glass, be submissive and humans will always do everything that is pleasing to God, instead of "exerting devious influence over a person for own advantage.



14 March 2016

Late Into The Night

1:32AM // Times like this is when my mind wonders so much that at times I myself am amazed about the wildest things I can think about.

4 months' time and it'll mark my second year working with the current company. Learned and gained so much from mistakes I constantly remind myself not to make again. Life skills, human relation, friendships forged, friends lost.

That's life.

09 March 2016

What If

A new beginning as I continue blogging regularly, again. What is this year brings me into a new relation, what if God will be answering the prayer about my life partner this year. What should I do?

Honestly, don't that that I'm ready for this. All my imperfection are still in multiples, who am I to be worthy to?  Then again, all the He have prepared for me is the best for me. 

04 March 2016

Am I too kind

The beginning of 2016 will be a good year ahead. Took up the new role as a Assistant cell group leader, soon to be confirmed Assistant Cafe Manager, additional role as a Retail Sales Manager. All in all, more challenges to come. 

Have also decided to continue on with Discipleship 4. At this year end, it will mark my completion of the journey from discipleship 1 to 4. But of course, that does not mean that my role as a disciple ends there too. Being a disciple in my everyday life is definitely not easy, but this is what I choose to live by. Looking back when I first took Discipleship 1, I was only 18, young and reckless. Look at where I am now, gained so much more life experiences and maturity both mentally and spiritually. This walk have brought me to where I am now.

This year is another year of change, where we all bid goodbye to our family car, bluee. It's been a good 10 years. From the self-centred demanded to be sent here and there, to a lady who drives the car knowing what she wants in life.

CNY brought forward before the eldest did went back to Germany. What a big family we have grown to now!

CNY with the happy pills, the tradition must go on. Every one of us busy with our own life and work, but still the 4th year, we persist to gather for CNY reunion dinner.