03 February 2009

yesterday went to HR for some orientation to know more about our company. at first i went to the wrong place cause i told daddy the wrong name. walked around for 20min and decided to take cab cause i was getting late. and i realised that if i had just walk the other direction, futher down, i would have reached. but oh well. i wasn't farmiliar with the place what. HAHA.

first day of work and my job was to orientate a new trainee around the kitcken. HAHA! how ironic! XD FYI, i'm working full time at the place where i did my attachment. so don be so shocked. HAHA.

today, 2nd day of work. my shift : 12pm to 8pm for at least till june.
= no chance to go out with cell (not so often at least)
= no life (wake up, go work, come home, bath, sleep. monday to saturday)
= almost impossiable to serve in 2nd service
= not able to eat dinner that mum cooked (by the time i reach home is 9 plus 10)

well, that's the bad part. but looking on the bright side. i get to learn stuffs that i didn't get to when i was in the morning shift. and one thing mum told me that i think was quite true and i agree.

is that God planned it this way so that i have the morning time to do QT (: it's so true. cause when i was doing morning shift, i went out like at 6.30am and by the time i reach home it's like, one word....L-A-Z-Y. haha. so wad do you think.

and still i get to go church each sunday (: and i'm glad about it. so even so there's some not so good points about it. but, it's all God's plan. so no complains! (yet...) ((: HAHA.
byes (:

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