15 August 2013

This is Crazy.

It's the time again. Study stress falling in just like how it all happened last sem. Why is it so different when I'm in uni. Never had I felt such stress before not even for O Levels. All the negative thoughts just flows in like a never ending tap. Falling sick off and on since 2 weeks coming to 3 weeks. Losing apatite day by day and it's not helping in me reviving fully. This is not going anyway. URGH! 

6 mths since we all know each other, and I never thought that a few of us would have come so far getting so much closer. Just a hug and it makes everything so much more easier bearable. But yet I'm still being very cautious, afraid that history would happen again like it always does. I wonder if there's anyone out there like me. 

This is crazy. All the negativeness needs to stop, but it seems like a never ending tap of negative flowing into me. If only I know there's someone out there praying for me. Maybe it'll all be alright. But there's one thing for sure, my Heavenly Father is silently feeling sad for me as I am. That's definitely comforting. 

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