11 December 2013

Crazy adventure

Today was a crazy day where I finally cycled again since years ago and was reminded why I choose blading over cycling. Cause it makes my butt so so so painful!
So anyway we decided to cycle for the 4 hours package and then we were crazy to have decided to cycle to change village. It was like never ending road to cycle and it was all straight road along change airport runway. Crazy I say. Was at the state of 自曝自己 cause was not seeing the end point AT ALL!
Shall not let my complains flood this post so, at the end of the day it was all good. started raining crazily heavy when we were on the was back as in already returned bicycle and going to toilet to wash up. It was a good adventure also cause I pushed myself to the limit and it was crazy, thank God for the strength of being able to get back within the rental time limit plus a bit.
Okay, that's about it.
Picture time

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