29 November 2006

moring bused to cine .
watched step up
window shopping
bused home
now blogging

short and sweet

kae bye

28 November 2006

went out with moyi weishi and weien today . to bras parsa .

went to pop at central first . coz moyi wanted to get a folder . and weien wanted to spent her 5 buck voulture . but ended up weien didn't spent anything but moyi did get her folder . and i took some pictures . see !

yes . i am in love with rang of colours . haha . but it IS pretty wad !!

there's also these box of puzzles . they are 1000 pieces and the pic is PRETTY !! . but it's $26.90 . anyone care to buy for mi ? . =D . these are the few that attracted mi .

but actually there's onli thoes 3 designs there . haha .! . but after that we left for donno wad other place . there's more designs . but i still think thoes 3 on top are the nicest ones still . (: . haha .

ya . after pop we went art friend . and i got wad i wanted and needed . (: . yeah . but now when i juz reached home . i realised i miss out on a few stuffs ! . irritating . and there's the onli place where i know sells wad i wan . so meanin i needa take another trip back to arts friend . irritating ! .

as it's still early . we wen over to raffles city and walked around . and guess wad . the barbie in 12 dancing princess . pretty la ! . haha .

den soon it's time and we mrt-ed back to amk market and had dinner den home after . (: .

yeah . fun fun day . (: . and sure i am tired . and i think we're goin out for movie tml . step up . yeahness . =D . hope it's gonna be nice . don wanna waste my movie tickets on them . haha .

tata peeps . <3

25 November 2006

today was a fun lovin day . haha .

went out after i woke up . like 10 like that went out la . mac breakfast at the new mac at that amk park there . with weishi weien and moyi . and it was fun fun . and i took pics of them . haha . and moyi was the onli nice pic . as in the rest were sian sian look la . haha .

den after breakfast we went to the near by play ground to play the swing ! . yeah . fun fun . and these were taken . (: and see how much fun time we had . hehe . and there isn't any of myself coz i look dumb in all of them . haha . it's actually coz i look fat in the pics

weishi looks as if she's doing head stand in mid air . haha .

and we went to climb the spider wed thingy . and took photos of our shadow too . (:

coz it was a hot hot day . not coz of any hot ppl around . we decided to head for mph dispite the time being onli 1 plus . so we went to get cards and played at mph . had fun playin . super lots of fun . being high and laughin and all . =D

and soon . some were tired . and took a nap . i think . there's evidence !

and while they are restin . mi and weien had fun taking photos and all . haha .

her puny head compared to the enormous wooden door . haha . !! . XD

den tq started . but it was raining heavily la .! . but we prayed and the rain stopped . so we carried on playin captain's ball but it soon started to drizzle a little den came the rain . irritating . but dispite the rain . we still had fun indoors . fun fun . (: .

after tq wad dinner . and throught the whole day . a few little not-suppous-to-be-known-secerets were being dug out by mi . haha . well . it's actually i waas being told la . we were kinda gossiping . haha . i know . it's a sin . yar ~

anyway . who ever's face that appeared the this post . can request for their pics to be sent to them via msn . DUH .!

alright . tata

23 November 2006

work today was totally BORING!

and erjie is SELFISH . coz she don wanna give mi toblerone coz i said i'll keep it . it's at night already like 11pm . eattin choco at such a time is FATTENING !

good night

21 November 2006

lalala . this is boring . i don needa report for work for the whole of this week . coz boss let mi off coz of my exams . so it's kinda boring .

well . i started off my day with takin a walk with mum to bishan park for morning exercies . i kinda got lazy after playing at the play ground . eh eh . but befor that we walked the other side of the park . as in the opposite side of the play ground part . the on that have a part facing the main road one . yup .

fun fun . but alot of sand kept on goin into my shoe !! . so irritating and gao wei . yuck ! . totally hate it la please . *rolls eyes* RAH~!

and i actually didnt on fan for the whole day . cool . burn thoes fats off mi . haha . XP .

anyway . there's sc meetin tml . it's not excally meetin . but breifing for the sc camp which is 27 dec to 29 dec . where i'm already in austrilia . haha . so meaning i'm not goin for camp . well . and i'm not actually sad coz i cant go . i'm kinda glad .

coz i think i juz cant mix well with the sc ppl . it's not like i got an issue with them but . it's juz like wad we say in church . they don get out of their comfort zone . they juz stay in their own clique . ugh ~! . i really don like it .

oh well . less tokin about that . at least i'm not goin and i wont feel weird or something . i hope that's part of god's plan . and if any of u sc reads this . this IS how and wad i really feel . except for that few of you dear friend . (:

anyway . as usual . went lunch with mum . (: . had hans . yum yum . but the set meal and all was too much . there's even dessert . cream puff . and it's like huge okae ! . and i hate thoes particular cream puff . wadeva .

mum wasn't feeling well since morning exercise . she was like have a bad headach when we met for lunch . and i very scard something bad happen to her . well . not as if i'm cursing her or wadeva la . but it's like . mum's already 50 plus . and her health seems to be gettin worst and worst . and . haish . u understand la huh ? . =D

ya . den right before dinner . the sky started to darken so so super fast la . and i capture some pics . not juz randomly la . but .. aiya .! . juz see it for yourself la .

see . there's this white part in the middle . look closely and it looks as if it's a whirl wind rite ?? . or is it tornado . ah wadeva . ya . XP

den soon it became this so SUPER dark .

but i was being tricked . coz i thoes it'll rain like super heavy . but i was wrong . it's juz a small rain . oh wadeva . it really "don judge a book by it's cover" la . haha . XD

and now when i'm bloggin . mum's laughin over donno wad thing ?? . so i'm sure she's gonna be Healthy with the big H . (: . love u super duper lot dearest ah mi . !! . (:

goin off to play game now . tata . (:

20 November 2006

saturday was fun fun . expecially dinner . and jenny ds joined us . yeah !! . (: . and qy took quite some pics . without mi and her ! . hum . so this is wad i came out with coz i had nth better to do .

haha . ya . chunai is REALLY borded . it was done today la . after my paper la . not on sat actually . hahas .

sunday went to this hougong place to have sushi for lunch at suki sushi . yum yum . i had so much that i felt like puking la . agnes too . haha . same same . (: .

den home lor . to study for today's paper .

today [monday]
last paper was in the morning . den went to j8 for brunch with jane and wanqing . fun fun . (: . den now home . gonna go out in an hours time with mum to some donno wad place la . hahas . tata .

*the pic up there can onli be views when clicked and opened into another page . haha too bad . thoes who know mi can request for the pics . (:

16 November 2006

lala . today was a fun fun day for mi . but first of all . i shall up load some photos i took for the past few days . (:

first is this . mum went to some programme by her work place and got back these light sticks . and i start playin with it . i think i really amused mi alot la . hahas . see . pretty rite .

and until now like 2 days later . the light stick is still glowin alittle . cool rite . (:

today woke up and went to mum's work place to her her do up some wraping which if done by her . it'll take ages . so . i juz went . (: . and there's this super cute boy . haha . he's very attached to mum . haha . as in MY mum . hahas .

and that's mi! . being deprived of childhood . haha . XP

den we headed to north point for lunch . and we walked around after lunch . and as usual . where ever a new place i go . i'll definately try the ba cho mi there . unless there isn't any sellin there la . and it was great ! . yum yum . super chilli hot and i love it . =D

den we continued walkin in john little . and alot or can i say all the chirstmas decoration are up already . man . i can really feel the christmas mood comin . celebrating partying zi-highing and all . fun fun .!! . (:

den after much walkin . off to church to get mum's stuffs done . (: . printing and sorting of books and all . (: . i helped mainly with the carryin stuffs part la . coz there's like the whole pile of book that's suppous to be sorted out . which until now i'm still confused on wad's goin on about the book order and all . see the mess .! [not excally la XP ]

and some decorations in church are up too . but i guess it's by the kindergarden people la . haha . coz there isn't much that's why .

den home after . (: . wanted to blog when i reached home . but blogger was down or something . ya . oh well .

tata peeps . (:

13 November 2006

well . first day at work . not bad la . was kinda stone for the first few hours . didn't know wad to do . irritating . feel dumb . but all first times are like that wad . wad u expect . (:

den after work went to find hannah . she down stairs so went to poke poke her and disturbe her . fun fun . and we are goin to have lunch together tml . yeah . happy . (: .

well . that's bout it . nth much . juz feelin so borded . it's been a long time since i ever post a pic . coz there's no nice photo for mi to post ! . except my photos la . i scard ppl go an lian mi and steel the pic . haha . XP

jokin jokin . lala ~

12 November 2006

yesterday [ saturday ]
went to church early in the morning at like 9 . had da shao chu ma . yup . it's the cleaning up of the whole church by everyone helpin out at diff parts la duh .! .

we the youths were once again incharged of weeding and clearing the weeds on the fence at the same time . so tiring la . and and we like found this bag of red ants . it's not thoes bag bag . but a bag made of leaves some how stuck together at the sides and the ants house is inside that bag . it's super scary la !! .

den someone went to spray insecticide into and around the bag . den the ants were like dripping out together with the condensed insecticide la . like . super disguesting la please ! .

den after that we finish our part of weeding and all . others have yet to finish so a few of us went to help out in moppin the da tang . but onli half of it la . so it took not a long time for us to complete mopping finish . den lunched . but we all didnt actually eat la . haha .

den off to tq . but it's still super early . so we played games . den i prepare my ling chang lor . yup . den soon the pri 6 ppl start comin in . but not all 9 came . onli 4 of them came la . oh well . den dinner and home after .

today [ sunday ]
went to church as usual and bla bla bla . and it's the first time the pri 6 join us for worship . yup yup . (: . i think they'll still think it's boring until they really experienced how much fun and how much sprititual knowledge there . yup . oh well . in the mean time we can pray for them . (:

den off to lunch at amk market . den now home .

and goin out soon for dinner . yup . gtg . byebye.

10 November 2006

ah . today's maths paper . don talk about it . the last part sucked big time .

front parts was alright la . did not bad . (: . but the section b . so irritating ! it juz a big mistake to re do the question real BIG BIG BIG mistake . i can cry man . lost of 10 marks la . wad de . stupid shit .

i can already imagine mi biding A2 good bye . haish . irritating !! . and i thought after so much improvements i would get high grades for my maths . haish . oh well .

results are not even back yet and i'm already thinkin of wad subjects that i would wanna re-take as private candidate next year . haish . irritating .

09 November 2006

today's geog paper is good and bad at the same time .

the good part is that section a came out wad i predicted . which is high tech farming . yeah . (: . so hopefully i did well for that .

but but !! section b is kinda a disaster la . did environment as usual . and it actually had this donno wad crap sustainable development . ??? . like wad on earth is that ?? . den went to ask mrs teo bout it after the paper and she said she have beem emphasising on it for very long already .

i was like . really ?? . well . juz take it that i wasn't payin enought attention in class lor . haish . oh well oh well .

08 November 2006

one more down and 3 more to go . yeah .

today's english paper . well . i think it's actually kinda average . and i can actually say that it's easier than the prelim paper . yup . (:

and they actually came out the title 'dream' for the compo section 1 part . and of coz i did that question lor . hahas . dream is such an easy topic to write about la ! . haha . and i actually started my compo with " dream dream wad a wonderful thing " . hahas . i think it's kinda dumb la . wadeva . haha .

yup . and the comprehension waas that hard to understand . evcept for that 'p' word . donno how to spell it la . it's some kinda chemilogy la . hahas .

tml's paper is onli geog . shall go study for it now . tata peeps . (:

07 November 2006

hello . pig . haha . XP . okae i donno wad's wrong with mi la . but . who cares . XP

ya . had Sci(chem) paper today . was not say very hard la . but i think i'm gonna have a juz pass for chem . yea . and hopefully my bio marks can pull the over all science mark up . yup .

well . tml is both el paper . thursday is onli geog paper . and friday is maths paper 2 . and it's play time for mi . yeah . hahas . well . not actually la . coz 2 weeks later then is the last paper . but it's science mcq . so i guess it's gonna be easy? . well . hopefully la . haha .

tata -

06 November 2006

yeah yeah yeah . the so called most irritating paper is over ! . and it's ss paper .!! . and you know wad . merger and seperation came out . yeah ! . yea yea yea yea . i'm super high now . u should have see my reaction when i saw that there's merger and seperation for the SEQ part . super great la . hahas .

maths paper 1 in de morning wad kinda alright ba ?? . there's quite a few parts i don't know how to do . yea . and thoes are about less than 10 marks . so . quite alright la . haha . yeah . pass math . DEFINATELY! . A1 . not confident . haish .

well . now to think of what to do with my book . haha . should i burn it like many ppl gonna do ?? . but it's a waste of money ! . oh well . i shall think about it . (:

tata peeps . (:

03 November 2006

this sucks ! . i'm not studyin again . i keep on wastin off my time ! . for the WHOLE DAY . this is bad . this is REAL bad . well . not THAT bad . at least i managed to study quite a number of ss essay in de morning till like 3 in de afternoon . ya .

but it's still bad ! . the whole stretch of exams starts this coming monday . which is like onli 3 days away !! . okae no . it's 2 days ! . wah de toot sia ~! . RAH~!

haish . this is bad . very bad . i don wanna disappoint daddy and mummy . most of all . mum is already like . not put high hope on mi . coz she knows if she pressurise mi . i'll do even worst . so . haish . i really don wanna disappoint mama . how ? .

please dear Lord . do do DO help mi . !!

01 November 2006

yeah-ness . quite a few number of papers are over ! . i feel a little lighter . as in lighter in de sense of stress . aiya . wadeva . these are the papers that are done

1. art paper 1 and 2
2. science practical
3. chinese paper 1 and 2
4. bio written paper

there . a few things off my load . hahas . yeah .

bio paper in de morning wad kinda okae lar . not say very difficult . but . i know the answer . it juz came out so simply . but it don turn out for the worst . oh man . this is freaking mi out . thinkin bout wad if i get lousy grades when i thought i did well . X( . how ?! . scary~

den juz came back from art paper 2 . the 3 hours paper . didn't do as well as i expected . kinda got a little messy when painting the figures and small details . but . oh well . the paper's already handed up . no worries . (: .

well . at least i know that i did well for the paper 1 . which is the course work thingy . and hopefully that if i did badly for paper2 . my paper 1 marks will pull the overall up . yups . i'm actually quite confidence in myself for doin art la . and i really thank GOD for that ! <33

now to focus on the rest . next week is the whole stretch of written papers . monday till friday . den my Os can be counted over . coz like 1 week later . on 20th november . then that's the last paper . but it's science MCQs . so i kinda easy for mi .

ya . u get wad i mean la huh . (:

oh oh . and the sunday that juz passed . as stated in de previous previous post that we went united squre and i bought this pums or wadeva u call it . i took a pic of it .

and this is the picture of me wearin the new black long sleves i bought . yeah . pretty rite . (:

alright . goin for dinner . tata peeps . (: