12 November 2006

yesterday [ saturday ]
went to church early in the morning at like 9 . had da shao chu ma . yup . it's the cleaning up of the whole church by everyone helpin out at diff parts la duh .! .

we the youths were once again incharged of weeding and clearing the weeds on the fence at the same time . so tiring la . and and we like found this bag of red ants . it's not thoes bag bag . but a bag made of leaves some how stuck together at the sides and the ants house is inside that bag . it's super scary la !! .

den someone went to spray insecticide into and around the bag . den the ants were like dripping out together with the condensed insecticide la . like . super disguesting la please ! .

den after that we finish our part of weeding and all . others have yet to finish so a few of us went to help out in moppin the da tang . but onli half of it la . so it took not a long time for us to complete mopping finish . den lunched . but we all didnt actually eat la . haha .

den off to tq . but it's still super early . so we played games . den i prepare my ling chang lor . yup . den soon the pri 6 ppl start comin in . but not all 9 came . onli 4 of them came la . oh well . den dinner and home after .

today [ sunday ]
went to church as usual and bla bla bla . and it's the first time the pri 6 join us for worship . yup yup . (: . i think they'll still think it's boring until they really experienced how much fun and how much sprititual knowledge there . yup . oh well . in the mean time we can pray for them . (:

den off to lunch at amk market . den now home .

and goin out soon for dinner . yup . gtg . byebye.

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