28 November 2006

went out with moyi weishi and weien today . to bras parsa .

went to pop at central first . coz moyi wanted to get a folder . and weien wanted to spent her 5 buck voulture . but ended up weien didn't spent anything but moyi did get her folder . and i took some pictures . see !

yes . i am in love with rang of colours . haha . but it IS pretty wad !!

there's also these box of puzzles . they are 1000 pieces and the pic is PRETTY !! . but it's $26.90 . anyone care to buy for mi ? . =D . these are the few that attracted mi .

but actually there's onli thoes 3 designs there . haha .! . but after that we left for donno wad other place . there's more designs . but i still think thoes 3 on top are the nicest ones still . (: . haha .

ya . after pop we went art friend . and i got wad i wanted and needed . (: . yeah . but now when i juz reached home . i realised i miss out on a few stuffs ! . irritating . and there's the onli place where i know sells wad i wan . so meanin i needa take another trip back to arts friend . irritating ! .

as it's still early . we wen over to raffles city and walked around . and guess wad . the barbie in 12 dancing princess . pretty la ! . haha .

den soon it's time and we mrt-ed back to amk market and had dinner den home after . (: .

yeah . fun fun day . (: . and sure i am tired . and i think we're goin out for movie tml . step up . yeahness . =D . hope it's gonna be nice . don wanna waste my movie tickets on them . haha .

tata peeps . <3

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