lalala . this is boring . i don needa report for work for the whole of this week . coz boss let mi off coz of my exams . so it's kinda boring .
well . i started off my day with takin a walk with mum to bishan park for morning exercies . i kinda got lazy after playing at the play ground . eh eh . but befor that we walked the other side of the park . as in the opposite side of the play ground part . the on that have a part facing the main road one . yup .
fun fun . but alot of sand kept on goin into my shoe !! . so irritating and gao wei . yuck ! . totally hate it la please .
*rolls eyes* RAH~!and i actually didnt on fan for the whole day . cool . burn thoes fats off mi . haha . XP .
anyway . there's sc meetin tml . it's not excally meetin . but breifing for the sc camp which is 27 dec to 29 dec . where i'm already in austrilia . haha . so meaning i'm not goin for camp . well . and i'm not actually sad coz i cant go . i'm kinda glad .
coz i think i juz cant mix well with the sc ppl . it's not like i got an issue with them but . it's juz like wad we say in church . they don get out of their comfort zone . they juz stay in their own clique . ugh ~! . i really don like it .
oh well . less tokin about that . at least i'm not goin and i wont feel weird or something . i hope that's part of god's plan . and if any of u sc reads this . this IS how and wad i really feel . except for that few of you dear friend . (:
anyway . as usual . went lunch with mum . (: . had hans . yum yum . but the set meal and all was too much . there's even dessert . cream puff . and it's like huge okae ! . and i hate thoes particular cream puff . wadeva .
mum wasn't feeling well since morning exercise . she was like have a bad headach when we met for lunch . and i very scard something bad happen to her . well . not as if i'm cursing her or wadeva la . but it's like . mum's already 50 plus . and her health seems to be gettin worst and worst . and . haish . u understand la huh ? . =D
ya . den right before dinner . the sky started to darken so so super fast la . and i capture some pics . not juz randomly la . but .. aiya .! . juz see it for yourself la .
see . there's this white part in the middle . look closely and it looks as if it's a whirl wind rite ?? . or is it tornado . ah wadeva . ya . XP

den soon it became this so SUPER dark .

but i was being tricked . coz i thoes it'll rain like super heavy . but i was wrong . it's juz a small rain . oh wadeva . it really "don judge a book by it's cover" la . haha . XD
and now when i'm bloggin . mum's laughin over donno wad thing ?? . so i'm sure she's gonna be Healthy with the big H . (: . love u super duper lot dearest ah mi . !! . (:
goin off to play game now . tata . (: