08 December 2011


So far watched twilight with erjie, already famous with B, IKEA shopping with parents, DAISO with mum, last dinner to sent agnes off with cell.

Soon to come, pasamalam with B, Puss in Boots with mum, 12 cupcakes with someone *hopefully*, Takashimaya with mum, cell house warming this coming saturday, carolling on 23thdec, B's baptism on christmas day.

Didn't get to eat my 12 cupcakes cause a friend let airplane on me. Oh well, until now didn't get the chance to meet dchool friends to go out. They also plan it last min when i already have plans before hand already. So, have been missing out on going out with them.

Oh well, what to do. :( I'm a person who ALWAYS want things plan out before hand. At least a few days in advance.

So now ENJOY! Hahaha :)

02 December 2011

exam so far..... NOT so good. :(

First day of exam - exam hall so darn freezing that gave me headache and running nose. SIM out to brain freeze us and fail, and they can earn more money.

Second day of exam - paper so darn difficult. I'm not the only one saying that, my friends are saying so too.

Third day of exam - Tomorrow. Wonder what tricks SIM will pull out this time.

ANYWAY, on the lighter note, one more day till I can start fixing up my lovely puzzle! WHOO HOO excited! And then holidays is here with all shopping shopping shoppinggggg. HEHEHE! and 12 cupcakes with Rachelle! yay! Can't wait for exam to be over. Hurry up yo!