01 January 2015

Good bye 2014 // Hello 2015

2014 have been another year of ups and downs, stepping into yet another stage of my life, experiencing a whole lot of new things. Ending the year with many celebrations with the usual gang and with new people I've met.
First of all, I'm thankful for the job I have now, the people I got to know and am working well with. It have not been an easy start but it definitely changed me much. With God's strength, I've learn to be a better person handling expectations. Thank God for awesome bosses and colleagues-turn-friends. Work would have been a chore if not for them.
Grew real close to a few whom gave me lots of advices along the way, helping me grow into being a better Supervisor. Thank God for them.

Not forgetting my second family. It has definitely been a tough year for us, but things happened that made us learn to love and cherish each other more, not taking each other for granted.

Another lesson learned this year, through time and when each of us gets busy with our own stages of life, friends come and go, but only those true to you will stay no matter what. Even with just a simple text of concern make a whole lot of differences. Not that we turn into enemies, but just time made us drift away. My choice, their choice, no one to blame.
My happy pills, enough said. When ever we gather, good food gathers too. Yumz!

Last and the most important, my Family. May God continue looking after us and let this bundle of joy grow in god's love.
With this, good bye 2014 you've taught me many life lessons, and hello 2015 let's be good to each other.