25 October 2010


24 October 2010

a friend on facebook posted this and i found it so true! for thoes who are not familiar with ALL the disney princess' story, i don think you'll really know why~

"Cinderella walked on broken glass.

Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass.

Belle fell in love with a hideous beast,

Jasmine married a common thief.

Ariel walked on land for love and life,

Snow White barely escaped a knife.

It was all about blood, sweat, and tears.

Because love means facing your biggest fears"

how sweet~ awwww~

21 October 2010

work has been *hit!!


还好这里还有blogger给我发泄情绪。因为没有一个公司的人知道我blog 的web add。而且我也不打算跟任何人知道。facebook已近是一个我要万万小心的地方不可随便发言,否则后果难堪对我不利丫!facebook又有add了很多公司的人,虽然给他们知道没关系因为大家都是同感。可是重点是我够傻的去add了我的吖头!~有够傻的!



09 October 2010

Think about His love
Think about His goodness
Think about His grace
That has brought us thru

For as high as the heaven above
So great is the measure of our Father's love
Great is the measure of our Father's love