today's the day . tq outing to sentosa ! (: . fun fun day alright .

woke up and agnes called and said her parents come and fetch mi and eat breakfast den sent us to harbour front mrt there .
when we reached there , the queue was like super long la . but luckily the buses came fast and soon we were off to sentosa . got off . and went on the blue line to siloso beach . and not long after we got off the beach tram . we got a space . enough for our 3 stations ! . yeah . thanx god . (: .
and guess what . i found a nice ring when we were preparing the stations . cool la . (: . and it's not thoes cheepo ring . it's thoes nice nice ones (: . thoes expensive ones that were bought at 77 street thoes one . yeah . (:
den soon they came . and the game started . bla bla . it lasted about like an hour la . den off to tanning and playin after that . and dou was so smart that he didn't bring extra shorts . so he went to build castle . -.- . see . caught in the act ! . XD

den we played and bla bla . lazy to upload the photos . juz will up load a few at the end of he post la . den had fun playin la . laughin and all . den ziyu and guanliang started throwin sand at each other but the sand was blown all over by the wind and many other of us kana the sand in our face mouth eyes . yuck man !
den qinyi came onli when the games were over la . but oh well . we still enjoyed the time t sentosa . den the few of us sec 4 had to leave early for church for jian xing li ban . boring la . and guess what . we took like 2 and a half hours to travle all the way back to church la . and by the time we reached church . the class ended . stupid . and we aready left early like 2.30 la ! . and class ended at 5 . stupid la please ! . irritating ~
den dinner after . and home now bloggin . and moyi . i do have a tan la . it can onli be seen after i bath and a few hours when i'm out of the sun .
okae . enjoy the photos . kae bye [tq ppl . ask mi for pics if u wan . but i'll onli sent one person at a time]