i suddenly feel super old. 我的薪水有口CPF. 扣得好多哦!!haha. you know, usually CPF is related to adults. like old old adults. HAHA! didn't think that CPF would meet me so fast. HAHA.
anyways, went to buy my new water bottle at PS last sunday (: like at last! HAHA! went to tp for lunch after service and it suddenly rain so heavily when we were about to leave. so annoyed. wait at tp till around 5 plus then we headed to ps.
bought my water bottle and i'm a happy girl! teeheehee! as usual, xining checked for me before buying (: love shopping with her cause i've never worry that i buy something bad / default / spoiled etc. you get the point la. ha! (:
yes of course, i labled it! MINE! (: like small kid like that. oh well. (:
to F please take care of your finger. (:
byes! loves (: