the place we went for lunch.

happily eattin his udon

thank God that yesterday went well. baby enjoyed the BBQ in church :] was scard that he would feel not happy or donno what. haha!like small kid, play until at night very tired go home straight away fall asleep. haha!
sunday church as usual and meet s few of our friends which 2 of them last min "let go air-plane"...but still the 5 of us enjoyed the K-box session. :] home dinner after. walked around and home now.
on wed, 21July. Moyi's birthday! :D made a cake for her. ting helped to collect it from my house cause i went straight from work. meet at prata house for my dinner and their supper. haha. walked to my house there a playground and started cam-horing. HAHA!!! moyi's suggestion. photos are not able to be uploaded any more some how. blogger's nutts! go facebook the photos though. haha.
going to sleep soon. good nights :D
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