14 May 2010

today is my birthday! outing to the zoo with baby! and so happened that erjie and xl went too! went there together and meet 4 times without planning. so un-planned! haha!

took many photos happily and altogether took like almost 200! oh my! i was shocked too! haha, didn't realised that i took so much. hehe. of course i wont post all la, that would be mad! haha. just some.
the ones i post are mainly those that i took during feeding time. too bad i had a lousy camera if not the pictures would be great!
for example this one. the lepord and jagua were so close to me! but not got picture. :(

and this! managed to capture quite a few of these kinda shots. where the tiger leaped to catch the meat mid air. but blame my lousy camera. if not the picture would really turn out real good!

see the giraffe stick out it's tongue! hehe!~

the eyes of the white tiger! :O

see so close!

happy day! thank you baby! i enjoyed myself today! i love you (: i thank God for letting me know you (:

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