anyway . woke up in time to reach school for chem practical revision . and i turned out that it's for conclusion part . not goin to chem lab and do the experiments . so boring . but at least i understand more stuffs (: .
den went amk library with kitty and jiawen to study . reached there bout 10 plus little . den study study study . and as usual . the OUT COME when there's a camera with mi .
see . we're studyin at the young ppl's place ! . =D

and soon enough . kitty join in the fun ! (:

look at the contrast !! . Ooh-la-la . =D

but that ever-so-nerdy jiawen continus studyin . even when i tried take foto of him . look !! . see . so hard workin . [EMO!] . hahas .

but studyin for onli like an hour . and the next hour we spent talkin and gossipin and crapin . haha . and . it's juz fun . had a great talk with them . (: . i'll remember wad u guys told mi . thanx . (: .
den off to lunch . and home after . yups . (: .
home sweet home . dad and mum went out for lunch as usual on wed's afternoon . so i'm home alone . boring ~
oh . one last thing . there's no more haze ! . (: yeahness . the sky is clear ! . see .

friends are not for each other , but for one another .
if you wan people to be your friend , be one too .
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