dinner-ed at amk mac . had load-of-fun i tell u . hahas . super fun la please ! . indescriable . as i always say. sat dinner with thoes wonderful church mates are more than great ! . (: love them a whole bunch man (: .
and i decided that for my art paper 2 . i'm gonna do the topic personal effect . and i'm gonna draw more details of tkd . and for thoes who donno wad tkd is . it's teakwondow . donno if i spet it correctly . hahas . ya . (:
and now . photos that i promised . oh mi and friends and teacher on grad day . (:

the bunch of us with miss koh ! . not all la .

mi and dearest miss koh ! . face kinda cut off though XD .

mi , misskoh , pgj . we bent a little to make her feel tall ! (:

mi and pgj ! . (: <33
and i juz realised that i DID NOT take any photos with nora and roxanne !! . as in mi and them . ya . as in not one whole big group . but . aiya ! . u get wad i mean la huh . (: . hahas .
tata . dajie's comin home tml ! . and the digi cam's back ! . gonna bring de digi cam to sch on mon . yeahness . oh . and did i mension that i offically don needa go to sch anymore . except for the extra classes once in awhile . hahas . ziyu and gunaliang still have one more week to go ! . hahas !! . =D
tata peeps . love u all ! <33
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