24 March 2016

Command to Remember

Maundy Thursday
Maundy = command
1. Serve the world
2. Love one another
3. In all, "Do these in remembrance of Me"

Remember what?
Humans like to remember the dead

How to remember?
Mausoleum, museum, movement. We call it, a sacrament. An outward action to show our inward grace (Holy communion)

When God remembers (he knows the power or remembrance), He performs mighty acts when he remembers. Eg The meaning of the rainbow.

Works of salvation, works of deliverance.

What to remember?
1. "My body given for you"
God is a giver, He never stops giving. 全然的付出和給予。
Giving = for others = thinking for others
- works of piety (for self)
- works of mercy (for others)

2. "My blood of the new covenant shed for you"
-for the remission of sins// Matthew 26:28
We experience the forgiveness of sin, His holy blood cleansed us and we have eternal life.
- Forgiven; forever with the blood of Jesus Christ
- Walk in the light; importance of fellowship as we walking in the light to remain cleansed
- Keep short accounts with sin

1. Jesus as the giver. Perfect example of what and how God gave. He gave us the best.
-By the gift, God have also removed the worst of humans.
2. Jesus as the Redeemer. When we remember, God remembers.
-When He remembers, He acts; He remembers the promises He had to us. God in our lives delivers us

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