20 March 2016

Good Weird or Bad Weird

You see, society likes to recognise that everyone is unique in their own ways. But for me, I like to phrase it a little differently; Everyone is weird in their own ways, it's just more or less acceptable.

Recently had a conversation with a friend about humans' manipulation nature, intentional or unintentional. Then that made me think and did some search, it boils down to a grey zone discussion of the differences between Influence and Manipulation.

Influence is the process of getting someone else to want to do, react, think, or believe the way you want them to.”  Source: Chris Hadnagy, Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking.

Manipulation is defined as “exerting devious influence over a person for your own advantage”.

With the clear definition of the 2 almost similar difference (one is a positive term, another a extreme negative term), now comes another question; don't everyone ask ask for help?

As a Christian, I should be living an example for both Christians and Non-christians likewise. Definitely I would choose to influence people with the positive way and not have people around me to do things for my own advantage. To certain extend everyone would ask for help in our daily life from simple things such as pass me a certain item, to things such as prayer for each other in need.

The discussion between a clear definition of influence and manipulation is never ending. But to be sure and what everyone should be reminded of, every action done is ultimately judge by God of the true intention behind, hidden or not, deep down in each of our hearts where God sees it so crystal clear.

There no where to hide, nothing to hide. In front of our Heavenly Father, we are clear as glass, be submissive and humans will always do everything that is pleasing to God, instead of "exerting devious influence over a person for own advantage.



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